24 March 1980--- El Salvadorian human rights defender, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, was shot to death while celebrating mass and after denouncing violations of the human rights of the most vulnerable populations and defending the principles of protecting lives, promoting human dignity and opposition to all forms of violence. Thirty years later, the UN General Assembly, marked the day as the “International Day for the Right to Truth Concerning Victims of Gross Human Rights Violations and Dignity of Victims”.  On the occasion of its first commemoration, on 24 March 2011,...

On 24th March, the Human Rights Council created a post of Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran to assess and report on the respect of human rights in the country.This is an important innovation because it implies that, henceforth, the situation of human rights in Iran will be constantly monitored by a UN expert who will submit at the Human Rights Council periodic reports. Consequently, Iran should cooperate with the Special Rapporteur, among other things, by inviting him/her to visit the country. To read more information, please...

Geneva, 17 March 2011- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Center for International Environment Law,  Earthjustice and WaterLex led a side event at Room XXV, Palais des Nations on the topic “Climate Change and Human Rights.”  The panel was composed of Joshua Cooper (University of Hawaii), Alyssa Johl (Center for International Environment Law), Yves Lador (Earthjustice) and Maria Francisca Ize-Charin (WaterLex). Felix Kirchmeier (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) acted as the moderator.In view of the perceived inadequacy of the establishment of United Nations Framework on Climate Change (“UNFCC”) to fully address the issue of climate...

After the creation of the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) in 2006, the country has taken important steps toward peace and development. The mission was created in 2006 to face the outbreak of deadly violence. Its aim is to train the national police to maintain peace and stability in the country. After many years, the country has finally achieved consolidated peace and development through the reconstitution of the national police.The country’s Special Representative, Ameerah Haq, discussed the possibility of the peacekeeping mission withdrawing from Timor-Leste, but “this phase will be...

After a week-mission in Tunisia, four top Experts from the UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a report that currently it is vital to support the country to the transition to democracy.In the opinion of experts, to make it possible it is necessary a separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers and to put human rights and dignity at the core of the change. Tunisia is preparing itself for the new era and the population wish to break with past injustices, the experts said....

From 20 to 27 February 2011, the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti, Michel Forst will visit the Country for the third time after the January 2010 earthquake.The aim of the mission is to analyse the situation of the country after his last visit on September 2010, and to verify if the recommendations reflected in his last report on Haiti presented to Human Rights Council, are being implemented.The mission will focus on the implementation of the human rights approach for the reconstruction of the country, the...

Monday, February 14, the UN Commission for Social Development met for a week of preparation for a Summit, this June, during which governments, private companies and unions of 183 UN members’ states will a common basis for a social protection worldwide.The UN has started to lay down a strategy to ensure global social security. Before the press, Director of the Department of Social Security of the International Labour Office (ILO), Michael Cichon, enumerated four pillars which form the foundation to create a comprehensive social protection system, namely: basic income security...

10 February 2011- Margot Wallström was invited by the Human Rights Council to give an update of her visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).The situation: The two main problems concerning the phenomenon of sexual violence were intimidation and impunity.Margot Wallström described the situation in DRC as follows:“Sexual violence is being used as by the combatants as a weapon of war to instil fear among the people.  As the phenomenon became systematic and extensive, non-state perpetrators followed.  Women are gang raped in front of their family with no recourse...

The 10th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was held from 24 January to 4 February at Palais des Nations, Geneva.The UPR is a new human rights mechanism, established by General Assembly of the United Nations in a resolution passed on March 2006.Through it, the Human Rights Council was enjoined to analyse on a periodic basis the fulfilment by each of the 192 UN Member States of its human rights obligations and commitments. The first cycle of the UPR process lasts 4 years. Each year is divided into three...

As protests in Egypt intensify following Mubarak’s refusal to immediately descend from power, the UN goes along and expresses its support on Egyptian’s call for true democracy. The situation in the Middle East is becoming increasingly worrying, and the people are waiting for a speedy transition in Egypt. The people are angered by the delaying tactic employed by Mubarak who said that leaving the country now would plunge Egypt into chaos. The illegal detention and intimidation of journalists and protesters plus the shutdown of Facebook and Twitter to prevent people from...