The 2011 Social Forum took place from 3 to 5 October 2011 in room XVIII, at Palais des Nations in Geneva. In the context of the commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to Development, the Social Forum focused on three main issues:1) promotion and effective realization of the right to development; 2) measures and actions needed to make the right to development a reality for everyone at the local, national, regional and international level; 3) international assistance and...

On 21 September, 2011, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon presented a report titled "We The Peoples" focused on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the future role of the United Nations. The South Korean diplomat focused on five generational opportunities that he defined as “imperative” actions to be taken in changing the future world. The UN Secretary-General indicated sustainable development as the priority  of the 21st century. He remarked on the importance of increased efforts dealing with climate change, food security and water scarcity. A second great opportunity for change...

On Thursday 13th October a meeting was held celebrating the 1st closing cycle of the mechanism of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Palais des Nations, Room XX. The meeting, organized by the NGO UPR-info in co-sponsorship with the Permanent Missions of Morocco, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, aimed to review the first cycle session, identifying the progress made in the field of human rights around the world. H.E. Omar Hilal (Permanent Mission of Morocco) opened the meeting stressing the importance of the...

On Tuesday, 11th October, Myanmar announced the release of thousands of prisoners for humanitarian reasons. This decision strengthens the hopes of amnesty for 2000 political prisoners arrested, among which include political activists, lawyers, journalists, and artists. The United States, the European Union, the United Nations and the Burmese democratic opposition petitioned their release for years, particularly after the establishment of the new government. This decision appears as a breaking-point with the past conservatism of General Than Shwe, head of the military junta, person in charge since 1962, as commented Egreteau...

On 16th September 2011, VIDES International in collaboration with the Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice (IIMA) organized a side event at Palais de Nations, Geneva. The event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Costa Rica, Italy, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Permanent Observer Holy See and the NGOs Platform on the Right to Education. The event, entitled “Young Volunteers and Human Rights” served as a response to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s request to “the international community to support youth as agents of change and development.” The panelist present at...

The Office of High Commissioner on Human Rights hosted the side event on 23 September, 2011, titled “The Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Promoting a Human Rights-based Approach,” to address the timely topic with the intent of promoting an interactive debate that fosters sustainable solutions toward resolution and prevention. H.E. Ambassador Laura Dupuy Lassare, President of the Human Rights Council moderated the panel composed of highly esteemed speakers.Though each speaker presented distinct methodologies in their field of expertise, the panel unanimously voiced the need for the international community to take...

IIMA is participating, from 3rd to 5th October to the 2011 Social Forum on Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Right to Development.Before the Social Forum IIMA submitted a written contribution focused on the Right to Education as driver to the Right to Development. The opening day of the meeting, on October 3rd, IIMA intervened during the interactive dialogue following the Special Procedures’ statements.During the oral intervention, Lorenza Pastore, on behalf of IIMA, called to attention the interdependence of all human rights and the need for...

In the last days the Palestine’s application to become a United Nations Member State attracted the attention of both the international community and public’s national opinions. The decision of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to request full membership in the United Nations is clearly part of a broader strategy to seek recognition of a Palestinian state. Even if, the recognition of other States is not needed for the establishment of a State under International Law. On the other hand, it is true that recognition by the international community allows a State...

On September 20th 2011, a panel discussion on indigenous peoples held at Geneva Palais des Nations concentrated on the report of Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, Mr. JAMES ANAYA, which highlighted the impact of extractive industries on the indigenous population and the need for the States to establish appropriate procedures.  He defined the participation of indigenous peoples in debates and decisions, as fundamental and overdue. While giving examples of good practices carried out in Costa Rica, he invited the Member States to engage in dialogue with indigenous...

On 27 September 2011 the President of General Assembly, Mr. Nassir Abdul-aziz Al Nasser, closed the UN annual debate indentifying it as historic and unforgettable.Many steps have been taken on the road to transparency, justice and human rights. According to Al Nasser, government leaders have raised awareness of the fundamental role played by the international community in the ongoing process to build a better world. Al Nasser emphasized the mature role assumed by the international community  as it reached a shared consensus in condemning the Libyan bloody repression. He took...