On the 14th of June, the 101st Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) was visited by the Burmese opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League for democracy (NLD) and, since April 2012, Member of the Parliament of Republic of Union of Myanmar. Ms. Suu Kyi was visiting Europe for the first time in 24 years, most of which had been spent under house arrest since the Burmese military regime – still governing -  condemned her. During the ILO Conference Ms. Suu Kyi addressed the issue of youth employment in Myanmar, drawing attention to...

On the 13th of June Mr G. Napolitano, the Italian President, addressed the 101st International Labour Conference. He expressed great concern regarding widespread unemployment in Europe and around the world, particularly among the youth, and recalled  - through the words of the economist Federico Caffé – that labour is not only a means of production, but a primary end in itself. As such, States should consider it as a priority in public policies. The Italian President emphasised that, within the EU, leaders had started to talk about the importance of stimulating growth, along with fiscal...

"Simply put, participatory, accountable, non-discriminatory and empowering development is more effective, more just and ultimately more sustainable." On June 12th, 2012, prior the UN Rio +20 Conference on sustainable development, The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi Pillay, stated that sustainable development would not be possible without taking into account human rights. She asserted that “strategies based on the narrow pursuit of economic growth without due regard for equity and related environmental, social and human right considerations, will both fail in their economic objectives, and risk damaging the planet and the fundamental rights of people.”  “In...

On Tuesday the 12th of June, the UN Secretary-General published his “list of shame”, which reported 52 parties who recruit and use, kill and maim or commit sexual violence against children in addition to those who attack schools and hospitals. This included four new parties in Sudan, Yemen and Syria. Mr Ban’s annual report to the Security Council on children and armed conflict gave an overview of the grave violations committed against children in conflict zones, the main perpetrators, as well as measures taken for the protection of children. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed...

On the 31st of May 2012 the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) examined the situation of children and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Vietnam. The Committee drew attention to some necessary reforms in order to align domestic legislation with international standards. This included raising from 16 to 18 the age of adulthood and reforms in the field of juvenile criminal justice. The experts’ concern focused on discrimination against children from minority groups and children with disabilities. They drew attention to inequality in the accessibility of basic services (birth registration, education, health facilities etc.)...

On the 12th of June, World Day Against Child Labour, several experts released statements expressing their continued concern for children labouring to survive. According to the ILO’s Director-General Juan Somavia, 215 million children remain in child labour and over half of these in the worst forms of labour. Despite ILO targets to end child labour by 2016, only 30 million children have been brought out of labour. The number of children in the worst forms of labour is over 11 times the population of Hungary.   The ILO estimates that 5 million children are trapped in forced labour, a...

New York, 6th of June 2012  4:50 PM On Wednesday the United Nations created an online platform to measure the financial and political progress made by States towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). "From today, we have made available to all an accessible tool so that the whole world can follow the progress made by Member States towards achieving the MDGs", said Mr Ban during the informal meeting of the General Assembly organized to launch the website http://mdgsupport.un.org. This tool will be known as the "Framework for integrated implementation". There are a total of eight MDGs, which range from...

On the 22nd and 23rd of May the Committee Against Torture (CAT) held and interactive dialogue with a delegation from Cuba led by Rafael Pino Becquer, Deputy Attorney General of Cuba, following the submission of a national report. Among the topics discussed were: Habeas Corpus, prison conditions, abusive treatment within prisons, police conduct, forced emigration, the harassment of individuals, attacks on political activists and their families, the definitions of crimes within the Cuban Criminal Code, conditions within psychiatric hospitals and individuals judged “socially dangerous”. At points the committee experts referred to specific, sometimes high profile, cases to support their questions and in...

On 24th May IIMA and VIDES Human Rights Office’s team attended the reception by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the Office of the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva for the presentation of Ms. Bianca Pomeranzi, Italian candidate to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Ms. Pomeranzi has devoted her life to women’s rights protection and promotion both at national and international level. She was co-founder of the Italian Association Women for Development (AIDOS) and Advisor for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Government and of the Italian Delegation at UN. She is currently...

Experts of the United Nations called the European Union to take the lead in promoting the adoptation of a global financial tax to offset the costs of the current economic crisis. As they see it, the actions taken so far to overcome the crisis, including varying austerity programmes, risk causing significant human rights regressions. A financial transaction tax is an alternative which does not entail these same risks. They called attention to the fact that a similar tax exists in South Korea and suggest that such a tax may shift the burden from the citizens to the private sector. According to them “EU...