June 13, 2012
in News EN
UN: A new online platform will measure the development efforts
New York, 6th of June 2012 4:50 PM
On Wednesday the United Nations created an
online platform to measure the financial and political progress made by States
towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). “From today, we have made available to all
an accessible tool so that the whole world can follow the progress made by Member States towards
achieving the MDGs”, said Mr Ban during the informal meeting of the General
Assembly organized to launch the website http://mdgsupport.un.org.
This tool will be known
as the “Framework for integrated implementation”.
online platform to measure the financial and political progress made by States
towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). “From today, we have made available to all
an accessible tool so that the whole world can follow the progress made by Member States towards
achieving the MDGs”, said Mr Ban during the informal meeting of the General
Assembly organized to launch the website http://mdgsupport.un.org.
This tool will be known
as the “Framework for integrated implementation”.
There are a total of eight MDGs, which range
from halving extreme poverty to fighting HIV / AIDS through universal primary
education. The MDGs, which will be implemented by 2015, are the guidelines to
which all world countries and development agencies have agreed to improve the
living conditions of the most vulnerable.
from halving extreme poverty to fighting HIV / AIDS through universal primary
education. The MDGs, which will be implemented by 2015, are the guidelines to
which all world countries and development agencies have agreed to improve the
living conditions of the most vulnerable.
The framework for integrated implementation
will provide an integrated view of international progress towards the MDGs
since 2000, will provide information on the nature of this progress and
highlight the gaps between current conditions and those required in order to achieve the MDGs.
will provide an integrated view of international progress towards the MDGs
since 2000, will provide information on the nature of this progress and
highlight the gaps between current conditions and those required in order to achieve the MDGs.
“The time has come. Member States have
made significant effort to achieve the MDGs. However, progress has not been
satisfactory in all areas” said the Secretary-General, adding that if the
framework of integrated implementation is not enough to achieve these
objectives, it will at least help to strengthen transparency and partnership.
made significant effort to achieve the MDGs. However, progress has not been
satisfactory in all areas” said the Secretary-General, adding that if the
framework of integrated implementation is not enough to achieve these
objectives, it will at least help to strengthen transparency and partnership.
Mr Ban said that the new website will also
serve as a resource for policymakers, researchers, academics and civil society
wishing to obtain information on the actions of governments in relation to
MDGs. It will finally act as a springboard for the discussion of development
priorities after 2015.
serve as a resource for policymakers, researchers, academics and civil society
wishing to obtain information on the actions of governments in relation to
MDGs. It will finally act as a springboard for the discussion of development
priorities after 2015.
“The framework for an integrated
implementation will continue to monitor the progress of our efforts, including
the commitments to be made in Rio” said Mr Ban.
implementation will continue to monitor the progress of our efforts, including
the commitments to be made in Rio” said Mr Ban.