The 24th Session of the Human Rights Council, which started 9th September in Geneva, reached its end. For the Council, whose mission is to promote the respect of the human rights and to monitor the violations in all the UN Member States, it’s time to review and evaluate the results that were reached in this session.                                  In this session, Syria sadly played the protagonist, with millions of civilians forced into mass displacement by gross violations of humanitarian law, at a time where international...

One day, every year entirely dedicated to Peace. It’s a way to discover the true meaning of that word, making peace real and not just a spot of ink on a piece of paper or just the visionary dream of a poet. The UN has invented one day like that. One day when everybody lets a glimmer of peace into their busy daily life, from those in poverty living in a corner of the world, or into a devastating war, or children in fear, or into the heart of a young man anxious about his future. On the...

On September 19th, 2013, IIMA delivered an oral statement on Canada’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which evaluates human rights issues in Canada and recommends where the nation needs to improve. IIMA encouraged Canada to implement the recommendations that they accepted leading up to their next UPR in 2017 and to continue greater work to protect migrant workers from exploitation. IIMA also raised additional concerns about the Canadian Temporary Foreign Worker Program’s holes and weaknesses, which include the unreasonable burden of proof placed on a trafficked victim in seeking the protection of the government, the abuse by...

When the parent of a child is sentenced to death or executed, the child’s mental health is damages and their physical heath is often put at risk. A child will often experience discrimination especially where the parent’s sentence is publicly known. As the death penalty disproportionately affects those who are poor or marginalized groups, discrimination can be exacerbated. The effect on children can be drastic as the child can be orphaned or left without the care and support of a parent. Sometimes children may have to stop their education and begin working to support themselves. This situation can...

          As our world is faced with conflicts with radically different armies and battlefields, children suffer the greatest from the effects of war. Young children are recruited as soldiers and others are displaced from their homeland. Their neighbourhoods are the frontlines for warfare. They are killed or maimed by explosives, land mines, drones, and other weapons. When children are displaced from their homes or when their homeland becomes dangerous, children are less likely to attend school, especially girls. In other cases, schools are destroyed. Rebel groups target schools and hospitals and children are used...

  During the conflict in Syria, killings of 150000 civilian have been reported, of which 7000 are chidlren. We support the call of Pope Francis for peace in Syria.  ...

Please find the UN  Secretary General's message for the International Day in support of Victims of Torture: "As we mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, I call on Member States to step up efforts to assist all those who have suffered from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  This year is also the 25th anniversary of the Committee against Torture. This body -- along with other UN human rights...

“HUMAN RIGHTS MUST BE AT THE CENTRE OF THE POST 2015 AGENDA” affirmed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navy Pillay, in her Open Letter to all Member States on Human Rights and Post 2015 Agenda on the 6th of June, 2013. According to the High Commissioner, “some of the most celebrated Millennium Development Goals success stories since 2000 are now sites of mass protest decrying widespread deprivation, repression and inequalities masked by the narrow models of economic analysis that have characterized development approaches in the pre-2015 period. The message is clear: economic growth is not an adequate measure of...

Every 60 seconds, eight persons in the world are forced to leave their home and properties to escape terror and persecution. We celebrate today the World Refugee Day, remembering the about 43 million refugees in the world.  We invite you to visit the UN webpage dedicated to the issue for studies, statistics and awareness raising  campaigns. ...

This is the List of Resolutions and Decisions taken during the 23rd Session of the Human Rights Council. Please click of the link below to find the texts and the votes records: Texts and votes records (if you are requested to sign in USERNAME: hrc extranet; PASSWORD: 1session) A/HRC/23/L.1    The deteriorating situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic, and the recent killings in Al-Qusayr A/HRC/23/L.2    Assistance technique à la Côte d’Ivoire dans le domaine des droits de l’homme A/HRC/23/L.2 Rev.1 Assistance technique à la Côte d’Ivoire dans le domaine des droits de l’homme Rev.1 A/HRC/23/L.3    Assistance technique...