Following the Resolution of the UN General Assembly, on December 9, the International Anti-Corruption Day was designated to raise awareness of corruption and the role that the UN Convention on Anti-Discrimination has in combating and preventing it. Corruption is a serious impediment to economic growth and a significant challenge for the development of emerging and developing countries. According to the United Nations Development Program, funds lost due to corruption are estimated to be 10 times the amount allocated to social development assistance. No country, region, or community is immune to...

On this day, December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its preamble and thirty articles outline a common standard of success for all peoples and nations and for the first time established that fundamental human rights are universally protected. After sixty-eight years, human rights and values are still under attack all over the world. However, citizens of this world can make a difference by taking a step forward and defending the rights of vulnerable people who are at risk of discrimination and...

The International Volunteer Day (IVD) is celebrated at the United Nations General Assembly because of Resolution A / RES / 40/212 which was adopted in December 1985. Every day volunteers and organizations offer time and resources to promote peace and development in various communities around the world. This day gives us the opportunity to acknowledge their efforts and give recognition to the positive contribution that volunteering gives our societies. "I express my deepest gratitude to more than 6,700 UN Volunteers, 12,000 Volunteers UN online and a billion community volunteers around the...