Meeting on OHCHR’s Official Management Plan 2018-2021
On November 21, 2017, representatives of the IIMA Human Rights Office attended the meeting on the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights’ (OHCHR) Official Management Plan 2018-2021. The presentation was held by the Deputy High Commissioner Mrs. Kate Gilmore and addressed several NGO’s involved in Human Rights advocacy. The meeting took place in Room VII in Palais des Nations, Geneva.
Mrs. Gilmore reaffirmed that the Human Rights promotion in the United Nations is guided by the principle, “Leaving no one behind”. She noted that respecting human rights shall not merely be a humanitarian priority but instead a universal promise of human dignity. Unfortunately, not every Member State realized the importance of taking into account human rights.
The Deputy High Commissioner explained her methodology in order to build a consolidated consensus: the OHCHR conducted several consultations, in both Geneva and New York, with the member states (more than 100) and the civil society, at regional levels as well as a massive individual online survey. The main outcomes of the consultations were the acknowledgement of new human rights in a changing global context.
Mrs. Gilmore pointed out the areas in which the OHCHR’s organizational effectiveness could be improved: building up a better communication, diversifying their work and focusing on gender equality. The Deputy High Commissioner also stressed six pillars: non-discrimination, participation, accountability, development, peace & security and Human Rights mechanisms. These are the core components of OHCHR’s mandate and they enable a balanced, universal coverage of Human Rights.
The logic to maximize the Human Rights situation improvement consists of taking relevant actions into the shifting dynamics. For example, the HR protection should also considers crossover issues and unfamiliar fields, such as migration, climate change, drug control policies, public health, digital space and emerging technologies,
Mrs. Gilmore rejoiced in the stability of the budget, and even pointed out a positive income change for this year, thanks to the increase of the States’ contributions.
At the end of the presentation, some NGO’s took the floor for some questions, including the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) representative and Human Rights Watch Advocacy Officer.