KEEPING FAMILIES TOGETHER – How to move from institutionalization towards family-based solutions in child care in India and Kenya
On October 3rd, 2023, the Final Results and Recommendations from the Action Research “Keeping Families Together” were presented during the online event “How to move from institutionalization towards family-based solutions in child care, in India and Kenya”. The event, promoted by VIDES International with the support of the GHR Foundation, shared key messages stemming from the research as well as the lessons learned and recommendations drawn in order to inspire youth volunteers, Salesian Sisters and likeminded organizations and congregations in their work with and for children separated from their families.
The event has seen the participation of the project researchers, Salesian Sisters’ local coordinators from India and Kenya as well as human rights and advocacy experts.
Among the speakers, Maria D’Onofrio, Advocacy Officer at IIMA & VIDES Human Rights Office in Geneva, briefly presented the tools made available by the international Human Rights system to protect children separated from their families, especially the 2009 Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (General Assembly Resolution 64/142). She highlighted links with the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (2015) as well as the 2021 CRC Day of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and Alternative Care.
Following this, she spoke about Advocacy efforts for the rights of children separated from their families, carried out by the Human Rights Office. Based on the fact that no advocacy action can truly make sense if it is not grounded in local reality and therefore supported by local actors, IIMA and VIDES Human Rights Office was very grateful for the support provided by this project to consolidate the advocacy actions in Geneva.
As a result, the topic was introduced in the Human Rights Council through oral statements in March and June 2023.
With regard to the specific case of India, two statements were delivered in March 2023 to highlight the importance of reintegrating the children in families whenever possible, and if not, involving relevant stakeholders to build a circle of protection around them.
On the global scale, while recognizing that there are situations of abuse that require alternative care and separation from the family, an additional oral statement delivered in June 2023 highlighted the importance of personalized and community-based high-quality alternative care solutions, and the need to align such solutions with the UN “Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.”
Speaking of the new windows of opportunities opened by this project, besides providing conditions for better human rights implementation on the ground, this research paved the way toward more international advocacy actions with the participation of local actors.
In conclusion, Maria reiterated the commitment of IIMA and VIDES Human Rights Office to promote better protection of children’s rights. We look forward to continue engaging on this together with relevant partners and other stakeholders.