Celebrating the 2020 World Children’s Day
November 20 marks the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989. Since then, the World Children’s Day offers each of us an important occasion to advocate, promote and celebrate children’s rights towards the realization of a better world for children.
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has very negatively impacted the enjoyment of children’s rights worldwide. The health crisis has aggravated pre-existing inequalities in education, especially for those children at risk of digital exclusion or with special needs. Despite the best efforts of states and other stakeholders to ensure distance learning through online teaching, radio, or television, these measures cannot fully replace on-site schooling in the long term. Moreover, in the most serious cases, school closures have also meant for many children the end of social services and increased exposure to domestic violence.
Being aware of this critical situation, IIMA is continuing its efforts to help address this crisis through the work of its local members, especially committed to ensure the continuity of the right of education for all children in 95 countries. In parallel, IIMA Human Rights Office in Geneva reiterates its recommendations in the international fora to find holistic coordinated solutions aimed at improving the implementation of children’s right worldwide.