
Durante le sessioni del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani, IIMA offre corsi teorico-pratici di formazione sui meccanismi delle Nazioni Unite per la protezione dei diritti umani, offrendo ai partecipanti la possibilità di accrescere le proprie conoscenze sui diritti umani e di incontrare esperti in materia. I partecipanti al corso acquisiscono un’ esperienza pratica da applicare nei propri paesi e nelle diverse situazioni. Tre sono gli obiettivi principali delle nostre formazioni:

  • Imparare a leggere la situazione del proprio paese in termini di violazioni dei diritti umani.
  • Conoscere gli impegni assunti dal proprio paese attraverso la ratifica dei trattati internazionali.
  • Identificare, secondo il metodo educativo salesiano, le modalità di intervento per rafforzare e proteggere i diritti del bambino, dei giovani e delle donne.

Prendendo parte al corso, i partecipanti apprendono come lavorare con il sistema delle Nazioni Unite, rafforzando il loro impegno di difensori dei diritti umani.

202322 and 27 June45 UPROnline Training for 6 IIMA members, VIDES volunteers and local partners from Uruguay on how to fully engage with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
202315 February and 2 March41 UPROnline Training for IIMA members and local partners from Brazil, Ecuador, India and The Philippines on how to monitor UPR recommendations.
202317 and 19 January44 UPROnline Training for 7 IIMA members, VIDES volunteers and local partners from Canada on how to fully engage with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
20226 and 13 December44 UPROnline Training for 6 IIMA members and local partners from Colombia on how to fully engage with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
20227 April - 10 May42 UPROnline Training for 11 IIMA members and local partners from Argentina, Benin and Zambia on how to fully engage with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
202111 November - 2 December41 UPROnline Training for 42 IIMA members and local partners from Brazil, Ecuador, India and The Philippines on how to fully engage with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
202021 – 29 February43 HRCTraining course for IIMA members attending the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council
201920 - 26 September42 HRCTraining course in coordination with the “Promoting a Safe and Empowering Environment for all Children and Youth” side event
201918 June - 8 July41 HRCTraining course for IIMA members and young volunteers attending the 41st session of the Human Rights Council
20185 - 28 September39 HRCTraining course for IIMA members attending the 39th session of the Human Rights Council
201818 june - 5 July38 HRCTraining course in coordination with the “Girls With No Name” side event
201819 - 23 March37 HRCTraining course for IIMA Spain delegate in coordination with the “Arts and Cultural Education as a Right” side event
20176-16 June35 HRCTraining course for youth coordinators attending the 35th session of the Human Rights Council
201713-17 March34 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Youth for Human Rights and the Common Good side event
201614-26 Sept.33 HRCTraining course for youth coordinators attending the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council
201616-26 June32 HRCTraining course for IIMA members attending the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council
20163-14 March31 HRCTraining course for youth coordinators and other IIMA members attending the 31st session of the Human Rights Council
201519-26 June29 HRCTraining course for Auxilium University professors and students attending the 29th session of the Human Rights Council
20155-14 March28 HRCTraining course for Auxilium University professors and IIMA UK delegates attending the 28th session of the Human Rights Council
201411-15 March26 HRCTraining course for Salesian cooperators attending the 26th session of the Human Rights Council
201427 Feb-8 March25 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Youth Empowerment through Human Rights side event
201325 May-7 June23 HRCTraining course regarding actions to improve Youth Empowerment
201310-17 March22 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Human Dignity and Human Rights side event
201324 Feb-3 March22 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Human Dignity and Human Rights side event
201223 June- 6 July20 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Haiti: two years after the earthquake side event
20123-14 March19 HRCTraining course in coordination with The right to peace education of Lebanese Children side event
20119-21 Sept.18 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Volunteers and Human Rights side event
201125 Feb-11 March16 HRCTraining course in coordination with The Rights to education of children living and/or working in the street side event
201012-24 Sept.15 HRCTraining course in coordination with the A Quality education for Indigenous children in Latin and Central America side event
201029 May-12 June14 HRCTraining course in coordination with The Right of children to educational continuity in the areas affected by the earthquake in Haiti side event
201028 Feb-11 March13 HRCTraining course for Human Rights Defenders of Francophone Africa
20092-18 June11 HRCTraining course in coordination with the Right to education in situations of urgency in Latin America side event
20095-12 March10 HRCTraining course for childrens rights defenders from Latin America and Asia