Side Events

IIMA, congiuntamente col VIDES Internazionale, lavora per promuovere l’importanza della tutela dei diritti umani, in particolare per i gruppi vulnerabili ed emarginati come donne e bambini. In collaborazione con diverse organizzazioni e Stati membri, IIMA ha organizzato vari Side Events durante le sessioni del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani con lo scopo di presentare problematiche specifiche.

In questa pagina, IIMA fornisce i link agli articoli sui Side Events organizzati negli ultimi anni durante le sessioni del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani e le locandine con la lista degli speaker utilizzate per pubblicizzare l’evento presso le Nazioni Unite.

YearFlyer PDFDateHRC SessionTitleLink to article
201925 Sept.42Promoting a Safe and Empowering Environment for all Children and Youth
201822 June38Girls with No Name
201716 March34Youth for Human Rights and the Common Good
201411 March25Youth Empowerment : a human rights perspective
201304 June23Youth Empowerment: Strategies
201204 July20Haiti: two years after the earthquake
201213 March19The right to peace education of Lebanese Children
201116 Sept.18Young volunteers and Human Rights
201107 June17Equality of opportunity in education: special focus on children's rights
201104 March16The Right to education of children living and/or working in the street
201021 Sept.15The quality education for Indigenous Children in Latin and Central America
201004 June14Haiti: Educational continuity in emergency situations

11 March13The Right to Education of girls living in precarious situations in Africa

08 March13Objectives and goals of the Right to Education of children at-risk in Africa: Reintegration and/or reinsertion
200923 Sept.12Dignity and the Rights of the Child
200910 June11Right to education in urgency situations in Latin America
200910 March10Right to education for street children in Asia
200909 March10Right to education for street children in Latin America