
IIMA e VIDES Internazionale lavorano insieme al Consiglio dei Diritti Umani come una sola voce che proclama il rispetto e la dignità, cercando di promuovere e proteggere i diritti umani per tutti.

In questa sezione, è possibile esplorare gli interventi di IIMA, inclusi quelli in collaborazione con VIDES, presentati durante le diverse sessioni del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani. Puoi accedere al testo delle dichiarazioni orali e guardare il relativo video qui sotto.

Dichiarazioni 2024

2024September HRC/57thITEM 3: OHCHR Report on Solutions to promote digital education for young people and to ensure their protection from online threatsIIMA, VIDES and others

2024September HRC/57thPanel discussion on the implementation of States’ obligations on the role of the family in supporting the human rights of its members
IIMA, VIDES and others
2024September HRC/57thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes UruguayIIMA, VIDES and others
2024June HRC/56thITEM 3: OHCHR Report on human rights and emerging technologiesIIMA and VIDES
2024June HRC/56thITEM 3: SP on the trafficking in personsIIMA and VIDES
2024June HRC/56thITEM 3: WG on Discrimination against Women and GirlsIIMA, VIDES and others
2024June HRC/56thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes NigeriaIIMA, VIDES and others
2024June HRC/56thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes MexicoIIMA, VIDES and others
2024June HRC/56thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes CongoIIMA, VIDES and others
2024March HRC/55thItem 3: SR on right to privacyIIMA and VIDES
2024March HRC/55thITEM 3: SRSG on violence against childrenIIMA and VIDES
2024March HRC/55thITEM 3: IE on AlbinismIIMA and VIDES
2024March HRC/55thItem 3: General Debate – YouthIIMA, VIDES and others
2024March HRC/55thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes CanadaIIMA, VIDES and others
2024March HRC/55thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes ColombiaIIMA, VIDES and others

Dichiarazioni 2023

2023September HRC/54th Panel discussion on Cyberbullying against ChildrenIIMA, VIDES and others
2023September HRC/54th Panel discussion on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesIIMA and VIDES
2023September HRC/54th Panel discussion on Youth and Human RightsIIMA, VIDES and others
2023September HRC/54th ITEM 3: IE on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order IIMA and VIDES
2023June HRC/53rdITEM 3: SP on Violence against Women and GirlsIIMA and VIDES
2023June HRC/53rdITEM 3: SP on the Right to EducationIIMA, VIDES and others
2023June HRC/53rdITEM 6: UPR Outcomes ArgentinaIIMA, VIDES and others
2023June HRC/53rdITEM 6: UPR Outcomes BeninIIMA, VIDES and others
2023June HRC/53rdITEM 6: UPR Outcomes ZambiaIIMA, VIDES and others
2023March HRC/52ndPanel discussion on human rights mainstreaming - youthIIMA and VIDES
2023March HRC/52ndITEM 3: SRSG on violence against children IIMA and VIDES
2023March HRC/52ndITEM 6: UPR Outcomes IndiaIIMA, VIDES and others

ERI, IIMA, VIDES and others

2023March HRC/52ndITEM 6: UPR Outcomes PhilippinesIIMA, VIDES and others


2023March HRC/52ndITEM 6: UPR Outcomes BrazilIIMA, VIDES and others
2023March HRC/52ndITEM 6: UPR Outcomes EcuadorIIMA, VIDES and others

Dichiarazioni 2022

2022September HRC/51stITEM 3: General Debate on youthIIMA, VIDES and others
2022September HRC/51stITEM 3: SR on water and sanitationIIMA and VIDES
2022September HRC/51stITEM 3: the right to privacy in the digital ageIIMA and VIDES
2022September HRC/51stITEM 3: SR on hazardous wastesIIMA, VIDES and others
2022September HRC/51stITEM 3: SR on Indigenous PeoplesIIMA, VIDES and others
2022September HRC/51stITEM 6: General DebateCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others
2022June HRC/50thITEM 3: SR on the Right to EducationIIMA and VIDES
2022June HRC/50thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes VenezuelaIIMA, VIDES and others
2022June HRC/50thITEM 3: SR on the Violence against WomenIIMA, VIDES and others
2022June HRC/50thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes MyanmarIIMA and VIDES
2022June HRC/50thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes South SudanIIMA and VIDES
2022June HRC/50thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes Timor-LesteIIMA and VIDES
2022June HRC/50thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes TogoIIMA and VIDES
2022March HRC/49thITEM 3: General Debate on youthIIMA and VIDES
2022March HRC/49thITEM 3: SRSG on violence against childrenIIMA and VIDES
2022March HRC/49thITEM 4: HC oral update on VenezuelaIIMA, VIDES and others
2022March HRC/49thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes IrelandIIMA, VIDES and others
2022March HRC/49thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes TanzaniaIIMA and VIDES
2022March HRC/49thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes Papua New GuineaCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others

Dichiarazioni 2021

2021September HRC/48thPanel Discussion on the rights of indigenous peoplesIIMA, VIDES and others
2021September HRC/48thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes MozambiqueIIMA and VIDES
2021September HRC/48thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes ParaguayIIMA and VIDES
2021September HRC/48thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes Solomon IslandsIIMA and VIDES
2021September HRC/48thITEM 6: General DebateCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others
2021July HRC/47thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes LebanonIIMA, VIDES and others
2021June HRC/47thITEM 3: SR on the Right to EducationIIMA and VIDES
2021March HRC/46thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes HondurasIIMA and VIDES
2021March HRC/46thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes USAIIMA and VIDES

Dichiarazioni 2020

2020September HRC/45thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes KenyaIIMA, VIDES and others
2020September HRC/45thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes LesothoIIMA, VIDES and others
2020July HRC/44thITEM 3: SR on the Right to EducationIIMA and VIDES
2020March HRC/43thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes Bolivia CCIG, IIMA and others
2020March HRC/43thITEM 5: OHCHR Report on the 2019 Social Forum IIMA and VIDES
2020March HRC/43thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes Italy IIMA, VIDES and others
2020March HRC/43thITEM 6: UPR Outcomes AngolaIIMA and VIDES

Dichiarazioni 2019

2019September HRC/42nd ITEM 3&5: SR on the rights of indigenous peoplesIIMA, VIDES
2019September HRC/42ndITEM: 6 UPR Outcomes Costa RicaIIMA, VIDES
2019September HRC/42ndITEM: 6 UPR outcomes NicaraguaIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stITEM 3 : SR on the Human Rights of MigrantsIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stITEM 3:SR on the Right to EducationIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stITEM 3: SR on Violence Against Women, its Causes and ConsequencesIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stPanel Discussion on Women’s Rights and Climate ChangeIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stITEM 6:UPR Outcomes Dominican RepublicIIMA, VIDES
2019June HRC/41stITEM 6: General DebateCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others
2019March HRC/ 40th
ITEM 3: SR on the situation of human rights defendersIIMA, VIDES
2019March HRC/ 40th
Annual full-day meeting: rights of the childVIDES, IIMA
2019March HRC/ 40th
ITEM 3: SRSG for children and armed conflictIIMA, VIDES
2019March HRC/ 40th
ITEM 3: General DebateIIMA, VIDES and others
2019March HRC/ 40th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes MexicoVIDES, IIMA

Dichiarazioni 2018

2018September HRC/39thITEM 2: General Debate on youth empowermentIIMA, VIDES
2018September HRC/39thITEM 6: UPR outcomes Burkina FasoIIMA, VIDES
2018September HRC/39thITEM 6: UPR outcomes ColombiaIIMA, VIDES
2018September HRC/39thITEM 6: UPR outcomes CanadaIIMA, VIDES
2018September HRC/39thITEM 6: General DebateCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on peaceful assembly and associationVIDES
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on healthIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on International solidarity/SR on the right of educationVIDES
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on International solidarity/SR on the right of educationIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 2 General DebateIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on migrantsVIDES
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: WG on discrimination against womenVIDES
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 3: SR on TraffickingIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th Annual Full-Day Discussion on the Human Rights of WomenIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th Panel Discussion on Internally Displaced PersonsIIMA
2018June HRC/ 38th ITEM 8 General DebateIIMA
2018May HRC Special Session/28thThe deteriorating human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East JerusalemVIDES
2018May HRC Special Session/28thThe deteriorating human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East JerusalemIIMA
2018March HRC/37thHigh-level Mainstreaming PanelCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others
2018March HRC/37thITEM 3: SR human rights defenders IIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thAnnual full-day meeting: rights of the childIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thITEM 3: SR disabilitiesIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thAnnual debate: rights of persons disabilitiesIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes ArgentinaIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes GabonIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes PeruIIMA, VIDES and others
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes GuatemalaIIMA, VIDES
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes Republic of KoreaIIMA, VIDES and others
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes BeninIIMA, VIDES and others
2018March HRC/37thITEM 6: UPR outcomes JapanIIMA, VIDES

Dichiarazioni 2017

2017September HRC/36thITEM 6: UPR outcomes IndiaIIMA, VIDES
2017September HRC/36thITEM 6: UPR outcomes BrazilIIMA, VIDES

2017September HRC/36thITEM 6: UPR outcomes TunisiaIIMA, VIDES

2017September HRC/36thITEM 6: UPR outcomes EcuadorIIMA, VIDES
2017June HRC/35thITEM 3: Migrant YouthIIMA, VIDES

2017June HRC/35thPanel Discussion on unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents and human rightsIIMA, VIDES

2017June HRC/35thITEM 3: YouthIIMA, VIDES

2017June HRC/35thITEM 3: Climate ChangeIIMA, VIDES

2017June HRC/35thITEM 6: UPRCCIG, IIMA, VIDES and others

2017March HRC /34thITEM 3: Empowering Children and Youth for Effective Environmental Social Engagement for the Full Enjoyment of their RightsIIMA, VIDES

2017March HRC /34thITEM 3: Menores migrantes no acompañadosIIMA, VIDES, APG23

2017March HRC /34thITEM 3: Migrant YouthVIDES

2017March HRC /34thITEM 6: UPR outcomes TogoIIMA

2017March HRC /34thITEM 6: UPR outcomes Timor-LesteIIMA, VIDES

2017March HRC /34thITEM 6: UPR outcomes HaitiIIMA

Dichiarazioni 2016

2016March HRC /31thITEM 3: Violence against childrenIIMA and others
2016September HRC/33rdITEM 3: Empowering Youth for the Realization of Human Rights and the Sustainable Development GoalsIIMA, VIDES
2016 22 September HRC/33rdPanel discussion on youth and human rightsVIDES
2016September HRC/33rdITEM 5: Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Human RightsIIMA, VIDES and others

Dichiarazioni 2015

2015March HRC/28th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Italy
IIMA, VIDES and others
2015March HRC/28th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes El Salvador
2015March HRC/28th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Madagascar
IIMA, VIDES and others.
2015March HRC/28th
ITEM 8: Youth Empowerment: A Human Rights Perspective

Dichiarazioni 2014

2014March HRC/25th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Congo
IIMA, VIDES and others
2014June HRC/26th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Chile
IIMA, VIDES and others
2014June HRC/26th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Dominican Republic
2014June HRC/26th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Cambodia
2014June HRC/26th
ITEM 8: Youth Empowerment: A Human Rights Perspective
2014June HRC/26th
Annual Full Day Discussion on Women’s Rights: The Link Between Female Educational Attainment and Development
IIMA, VIDES and others

2014September HRC /27th
ITEM 8: Youth Empowerment: A Human Rights Perspective
2014September HRC /27th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Democratic Republic of Congo
IIMA, VIDES and others
2014September HRC /27th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Nicaragua
2014September HRC /27th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Costa Rica

Dichiarazioni 2013

2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes ArgentinaIIMA, VIDES
2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes BeninIIMA, VIDES
2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes SwitzerlandIIMA, VIDES
2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes ZambiaIIMA, VIDES and others
2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes JapanIIMA
2013March HRC/22thITEM 6: UPR outcomes Peru IIMA, VIDES and others
2013March HRC/ 22th
ITEM 6: General Debate
IIMA, VIDES and others
2013May HRC /23th
ITEM 3: The Justiciability of the Right to Education
IIMA, VIDES and others
2013September HRC/24st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes CanadaIIMA

Dichiarazioni 2012

2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes TogoIIMA, VIDES and others
2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes Timor LesteIIMA, VIDES and others
2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes HaitiIIMA, VIDES and others
2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes VenezuelaIIMA
2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes VenezuelaIIMA, VIDES
2012March HRC/19thITEM 6: UPR outcomes ThailandIIMA, VIDES and others
2012September HRC/21st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes EcuadorIIMA, VIDES and others
2012September HRC/21st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes PhilippinesIIMA, VIDES and others
2012September HRC/21st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes PolandIIMA
2012September HRC/21st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes South AfricaIIMA, VIDES
2012September HRC/21st ITEM 6: UPR outcomes India IIMA, VIDES
2012September HRC / 21th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Brazil
IIMA, VIDES and others

Dichiarazioni 2011

2011March HRC /16th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Panama
2011March HRC / 16th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Honduras
2011March HRC / 16th
ITEM 6 : UPR outcomes Lebanon
2011June HRC /17th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Mozambique
2011June HRC/ 17th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Paraguay

Dichiarazioni 2010

2010March HRC / 13th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Democratic Republic of Congo
2010March HRC / 13th
ITEM 6: UPR outcomes Democratic Republic of Congo